Applications for Loon Bay Camp can be picked up at the Office or call Bonnie Angel, 489-6504
Please don’t forget to put your change in the Loon Bay Camp Bottle on the Table in the Vestibule. You can also donate to Loon Bay Camp at any time, just pop your donation in an envelope and put it in the collection plate or in the box at the Office Door.
Click here to download an application form which also contains complete information about programs and ages, etc.
GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, N.L. - On May 3, 4 and 5 the Sew ’n' Sews, a group of approximately 50 women who meet weekly for a day of sewing and quilting, held a quilt show at Memorial United Church in Grand Falls - Windsor. Upwards of 600 people came to view the exhibit of close to 200 quilts and other items that had been sewn by members of this group.
From The Advertiser
Photographs by David Stoodley
The United Church Women
The UCW celebrated their 50th anniversary at the Sunday morning service, June 3, 2012.
Below is a collection of photos taken at the service by Bob Down.