is a good habit.
is at the centre of our life in Christ, and giving is the first and
most direct result of love. Love is proven in a willingness to
sacrifice for love’s sake. The habit of giving is the heart of the
Christian life. Jesus Christ expressed the importance of giving this
way: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
- The United Church Observer, September 2012, Page 9.
Do! Think! Say!
What kind of steward is God calling you to be?
The greatest steward is God, who gave Jesus so that we might be saved (John 3: 16-17), but the Bible offers many examples of inspiring stewardship. Let one motivate you today.
The Just Steward: Like David, who refused to give what cost him nothing (2 Samuel 24:24)
The Unpretentious Steward: Like the Samaritan, who made no show of his giving (Luke 10:30-37)
The Evangelical Steward: Like Paul, who dedicated his life to sharing Christ's gospel after his conversion
The Voluntary Steward: Like Zacchaeus, who gave of his goods to feed the poor without being asked (Luke 19: 1-9)
The Empathetic Steward: Like the centurion, who humbly sought healing for his servant (Matthew 8: 5-13)
The Willing Steward: Like Noah, who built an ark because God asked (Genesis 6: 9-22)
The Life-giving Steward: Like Peter, who had no alms but instead gave healing to a lame man (Acts 3: 1-9)
The Sacrificial Steward: Like the wedow, who in giving two coins, gave all she had (Mark 12: 42-44)
From Sunday's bulletin, July 29, 2012
Banner pic by Donna Reid and taken from Used with permission.