Lay Ministry
There are six lay personnel who help with worship and home visitations. They are: Walter Scott, Gerald Thompson, Alice Cater, Harry Parsons, Dave Anthony and Albert Garland.
There are many opportunities for those who are musically inclined to participate at Memorial United. Two choirs: Church Choir (mixed adult) and Men's Choir are ready to welcome new members all the time, plus a guitar group (UC5) provides music from time to time during the Sunday morning service.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes for the children are held every Sunday morning during the 11:00 a.m. service, starting at approximately 11:15. The children not only get to enjoy a period of story-telling in the main service but also learn and become involved during their special time together. They take a break during the summer months.
Personal Care Home Visitations
This brief article is intended to provide some information about Personal Care homes, as well as our congregation’s involvement with them. There are three Personal Care homes in Grand Falls-Windsor: Golden Years Estate, Hollett’s Retirement Home and Twin Town Manor. Most churches as well as other religious groups in the area offer their services with periodic provision for Holy Communion by the various clergy, to these homes.
For our part, we provide worship services on the fourth Sunday of each month from September to June. These services are led by our Lay Readers Dave Anthony, Alice Cater, Albert Garland, Harry Parsons and Gerald Thompson. Previous to this point in time, Albert has been doing a fine job preparing schedules and ensuring that everything happens the way it should. Walter Scott recently retired as Lay Reader after serving in that capacity for several years. He is still willing to fill in, if and when the need arises.
A second very important and necessary group is the UC5. They consist of Ralph Angel, Howard Barnes, Merricks Chipp, Greg Forward and Garfield Roberts. Under the leadership of Ralph, they have been providing music at the Person Care homes for 15 years! Wallace Robinson and Peter Banfield also provide music on the keyboard when necessary. These people are to be commended for their willingness to share their time and talents with others less fortunate. In conclusion, it would be helpful if a dozen or so of the congregation demonstrated their interest and support by attending a couple of worship services during the year. After all, you yourself may end up being a resident of one of these homes. Why not make it your #1 New Year’s Resolution. You’ll feel good about it.
Food Bank
Food is gathered for the Food Bank on a regular basis. A receiving bin is provided in the foyer for congregational members to drop off non-perishable food items. During the White Christmas Sunday School service, children receive food bank items for the food bank during the Sunday morning service. Christmas hampers are prepared just before Christmas to help those less fortunate during this busy time of the year.
At Memorial United there is also a vibrant UCW group (United Church Women).
Click here
Men's Choir
The Men's Choir are always open to new members. Their involvement in the church and community goes beyond their singing at scheduled Sunday morning services to catering to community groups, church groups and their annual Lumberjack beans and toutons dinner during Winter Carnival week. They also help form a support group for seniors' homes visitation throughout the year. 2012 marked the 10th year of continuous involvement of the Men's Choir with the Relay for Cancer fundraiser. Click here for more.