Memorial United Church
Grand Falls - Windsor, NL
Revised February 20131.
Vision and Mission Statements
1.1 Our Vision Statement
“Love one another just as I have loved you” (John 15:12)
1.2 Our Mission Statement
As a Christian community on an exciting journey of faith, we strive to follow God’s loving ways by growing spiritually, reaching out to all and seeking truth and justice.
2. Official Board
The oversight and management of all spiritual and temporal matters of Memorial United Church shall be under one Board, which shall be called the Official Board. This Board shall be guided by the policy of the United Church of Canada as outlined in the United Church Manual.
2.1 Membership of the Board
The Board shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Immediate Past Chair (for a one year term), Minister, Secretary, treasurer, Clerk of Session, Representative of the Board of Trustees, Representative of the UCW, Delegate to West District and the Chair of each of the Standing Committees of the Board.
Official Board
Past Chair
Clerk of Session
UCW Representative
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Chair of the Christian Development Committee
Chair of the Finance Committee
Chair of the Stewardship Committee
Chair of the Property Committee
Chair of the Ministry and Personnel Committee
Chair of the Pastoral Care Committee
Chair of the Communications and Public Relations Committee
West District Delegate
2.2 Election of Board Members
The elected members of the Official Board shall be nominated by a Nominations Committee and duly elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
2.2.1 The Chair shall serve for a period of two years.
2.2.1 The Past Chair will serve for a period of one year.
2.2.3 Other members of the Board shall serve for a three-year period with approximately one-third of the Board replaced each year.
2.2.4 Any vacancies which occur may be filled by the Board with confirmation of the new member at the next congregational meeting with such member to be appointed to complete the term of office of the vacancy.
2.2.5 Excluding the Chair, Vice-Chair and Past Chair, members may serve for an additional three year term. When the second term is completed, a member may not serve on the Board for a period of one year.
2.2.6 A member of the Official Board shall serve on at least one committee or sub-committee of the Board’s organizational structure, with the exception of the Standing Committee on Ministry and Personnel.
2.3 Meetings of the Board
The Board shall meet monthly, excluding December, July and August. Special meetings may be called by the Executive.
2.3.1 A special meeting may be called at any time or by any six members of the Board on a written request to the Executive.
2.3.2 Nine members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
2.3.3 Members of the Official Board shall be required to inform the Secretary of their unavailability to attend the meeting and Chairs shall name their designate. All Standing Committees shall be represented at each Board meeting.
2.4 The Executive of the Board
The Executive of the Board shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Past Chair, Minister, Secretary, Treasurer, Clerk of Session and Chair of Ministry and Personnel.
2.4.1 The Executive of the Board shall act as a long range planning committee of the Board.
2.5 Standing Committees of the Board
The Official Board shall appoint Standing Committees in each of the following areas: (a) Christian Development, (b) Finance, (c) Ministry and Personnel, (d) Pastoral Care, (e) Property, (f) Stewardship and (g) Youth.
The Board may combine the functions of any of the above committees as circumstances may dictate.
2.5.1 Appointment of Standing Committee Members
The Board shall be responsible to see that a Chair is elected by each of the Standing Committees. Additional members, drawn from the congregation, shall be appointed to these Standing Committees. These additional members shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Chair of the Committee. They may serve for three years and may be elected for an additional three years. Members of Standing Committees except for Session need not be members of the United Church of Canada.
2.5.2 Standing Committee Meetings
Standing Committees shall meet regularly or as often as necessary to deal with routine matters or any matters referred to them by the Official Board and shall submit verbal and written reports to the Official Board at their regular meetings.
2.5.3 Sub-committees of Standing Committees
Standing Committees shall appoint sub-committees as required by the Constitution, as directed by the Board or as deemed necessary by the Standing committee. Sub-committees shall report to the Standing Committee which in turn shall report to the Board.
2.5.4 The Standing Committees shall annually delegate the areas of work to each sub-committee.
3. Duties and Responsibilities
3.1 Duties of the Executive
3.1.1 Prepare the agenda for regular meetings of the Board.
3.1.2 Recommend action on emergency matters which may arise.
3.1.3 Recommend to the Board new members and Standing Committee Chairs if vacancies occur before the Annual Congregational Meeting.
3.1.4 Oversee the preparation of the Annual Report for presentation to the Annual Congregational Meeting.
3.1.5 Arrange annual workshops and training sessions for the Board, committee members and prospective members from the congregation.
3.1.6 Carry out other duties and responsibilities as may be delegated by the Official Board.
3.2 Duties of the Clerk of Session
The Clerk of Session shall be the Chief Ruling Elder of the congregation and may act on behalf of the Minister at any time that the Board is fulfilling its responsibilities as a Session. The Clerk of Session shall be elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting. The term of office of the Clerk of Session shall be five years.
3.2.1 The Clerk of Session shall ensure that a register of church membership is accurately maintained.
3.2.2 The Clerk of Session shall ensure that a record of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths is kept.
3.2.3 The Clerk of Session shall issue certificates of reception and transfer of members.
3.3 Duties of the Secretary of the Official Board
3.3.1 Keep records of the Official Board in a clear and orderly manner.
3.3.2 Receive, reply to, and file all correspondence addressed to the Board.
3.3.3 Act as liaison between the Official Board and other courts of the Church.
3.3.4 Record the minutes of Board meetings and file such minutes in the
Church Office.
3.4 Duties of the Standing Committee on Christian Development
The mandate of the Christian Development Committee is to assess the educational needs of the entire congregation and to provide a planned, comprehensive and sequential program of lifelong learning for all members of the Church family, primarily from resources recommended by the Division of Mission in Canada for use in the United Church.
3.4.1 The Committee shall establish standards for the Congregation’s
Christian Education program.
3.4.2 The Committee shall recruit and appoint leaders for Church sponsored groups.
3.4.3 The Committee shall provide orientation sessions, workshops and other training opportunities for volunteer workers.
3.4.4 The Committee shall oversee all aspects of the operation of the Sunday School and youth programs including the recruitment and training of teachers and the assessment and selection of curriculum and study materials.
3.4.5 The Committee shall develop financial policy for the support of the Christian Education Program.
3.4.6 The Committee shall provide the Congregation with an opportunity for Bible study and the study of the organization and beliefs of the United Church of Canada.
3.4.7 The Committee is responsible for the Church Library.
3.4.8 The Committee shall develop in cooperation with Pastoral Care a ministry to families, youth, seniors and singles.
3.5 Standing Committee on Communications and Public Relations
The role of the Communications Committee is to foster effective communication between the congregation, the Board, and the Ministers, as well as, between Memorial United and the larger church community in Grand Falls-Windsor.
3.5.1 The Committee shall advise and assist the Board in carrying out its mission and strategic plan by developing and monitoring the Board’s communication protocols and initiatives.
3.5.2 The Committee shall identify appropriate means for communication between the stakeholders in the church community.
3.5.3 The Committee shall encourage and facilitate traditional and electronic technologies to enable communication between stakeholders.
3.5.4 The Committee shall coordinate the promotion of the church and its services to the church community and town.
3.5.5 The Committee shall administer and manage content on the website of Memorial United.
3.5.6 The Committee shall distribute e-mails to inform stakeholders of events relevant to the operation of Memorial United.
3.5.7 The Committee shall report to the Board on communication initiatives.
3.6 Duties of the Standing Committee on Finance
The Finance Committee shall oversee the management of the financial affairs of the Congregation. It shall provide appropriate accounting, control and reporting of all income and disbursement of Church funds.
3.6.1 The Committee shall present to the Board statements representing the current financial position and to provide periodic updates to the annual operating budget.
3.6.2 The Committee shall prepare an annual budget of income and expenditure to be presented to the Board prior to the Annual Congregational meeting. The budget will not be a deficit budget.
3.6.3 A sub-committee known as the Counting Committee shall count and record all contributions in accordance with accepted methods and procedures.
3.6.4 The Committee shall make payments in accordance with approved budgets where the Board or the appropriate Standing Committee has authorized such payments.
3.6.5 The Committee shall supervise the work of the Treasurer.
3.6.6 The Committee shall authorize an Engagement Review Report of the financial statements annually.
3.6.7 The Committee shall work in conjunction with the Stewardship to raise the necessary funds to cover the budgeted expenditures.
3.6.8 The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.
3.7 Duties of the Standing Committee on Ministry and Personnel
The Ministry and Personnel Committee shall deal with all matters relating to the support and supervision of persons employed by the Church.
3.7.1 The Committee shall encourage and foster a healthy interrelationship among the minister or ministers, secretary and caretaker.
3.7.2 The Committee shall provide position profiles for the Church staff and ensure that staff members understand and fulfill their individual responsibilities and authority.
3.7.3 The Committee shall encourage and foster a harmonious relationship among the Church staff and members of the congregation.
3.7.4 The Committee shall review salaries, travel allowances and other remuneration as well as working conditions and make recommendations to the Board.
3.7.5 The Committee shall provide a consultative and supportive agency to both the Church Staff and the Congregation.
83.7.6 The Committee shall make an annual review and evaluate the performance of each staff member and non-staff personnel relative to the programs defined by the Board.
3.7.7 The Committee shall make an annual review of the workload of each staff member and non-staff personnel.
3.7.8 The Committee shall maintain a close liaison with the Pastoral Relations Committee of West District.
3.7.9 A member of the Committee shall be appointed to serve on any ad hoc committee struck to fill a staff vacancy.
3.8 Duties of the Standing Committee on Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee shall develop programs aimed at (a) the greater involvement of the Congregation in the life and work of the Church, and (b) the participation of Memorial United in the social action advocacy and educational programs in the community at large that are consistent with the traditions, practices and beliefs of the United Church of Canada.
3.8.1 The Committee is responsible within the congregation to (a) oversee the lay visitation program and (b) in cooperation with the Christian Development Committee to develop programs to address the needs of specific groups including seniors, single parents, couples, families and the needy.
3.8.2 The Committee is responsible within the community at large to participate in the Social Ministries programs of West District and Conference to address the needs of youth, people at risk and the disenfranchised.
3.8.3 The Committee shall organize a church zone system to facilitate the more effective delivery of Church programs to all the Congregation. This would include household information delivery, visitation programs and the welcoming of new members to the Church family.
3.8.4 The Committee shall make arrangements for new families in the Congregation to be appropriately welcomed, to be made aware of the programs of the Congregation and to have presented to them the financial needs of the Church and enlist their support.
3.8.5 The Committee shall recommend and arrange stewardship visitations as deemed necessary.
3.8.6 The Committee shall establish a sub-committee on membership to be responsible to provide an annual updated family list of the Congregation for the use of Church staff, the Board and committees.
3.9 Duties of the Standing Committee on Property
The Property Committee is responsible for keeping all of the Church property in good condition for congregational and community use.
3.9.1 The Committee shall attend to the general upkeep and maintenance of the Church and Manse ensuring they are ready for use and properly supervised.
3.8.2 The Chair of the Committee shall act as the property supervisor.
3.9.3 The Committee shall supervise the community use of Church property as approved by the Board.
3.9.4 The Committee shall coordinate the scheduling of rentals and the use of Church Property.
3.9.5 The Committee shall develop a five-year plan for the maintenance requirements of the Church property to be updated on an annual basis and presented to the Finance Committee for consideration in preparing the annual budget.
3.9.6 The Committee shall in consultation with the Finance Committee ensure that an adequate insurance policy is in place.
3.9.7 The Committee shall recommend the terms of and oversee all service and maintenance contracts.
3.9.8 The Committee shall appoint a representative to the General Cemetery Committee.
3.9.9 The Committee shall be responsible for the Church Archives.
3.10 Duties of the Standing Committee on Stewardship
The Stewardship Committee shall promote and cultivate a sense of Christian Stewardship among all members in the Congregation based on the understanding that the whole of life is a trust from God and consistent with this understanding all members must account to God for the use of time, talents and resources.
3.10.1 The Committee shall be responsible for the overall stewardship level of the Congregation so that its full financial potential may be realized. To this end, the Committee shall review annually the total financial objective of the pastoral charge at the local, regional and national level.
3.10.2 The Committee shall in coordination with the Finance Committee communicate to the Congregation the need for funding and the program of expenditure.
3.10.3 The Committee shall promote giving and raising of funds for the Mission and Service Fund.
3.10.4 The Committee shall implement a strong ongoing Stewardship Education Program to involve the entire Congregation.
3.10.5 The Committee shall assist the Finance Committee in realizing the necessary funds to cover the operational requirements.
3.11 Duties of Session
The Session is responsible for the spiritual nurturing of the Congregation in terms of Biblical and United Church of Canada traditions.
3.11.1 The Session shall be responsible to enhance the spiritual nurturing of the Church family through Christian worship.
3.11.2 The Session shall assist with the regular administration of the Sacraments (The Lord’s Supper and Baptism).
3.11.3 The Session shall be guardians of the United Church - understanding our Christian faith as expressed through worship.
3.11.4 The Session shall ensure that worship, including the Sacraments, is conducted in a meaningful and dignified way.
3.11.5 The Session shall be responsible for music, ushering and greeting.
3.11.6 The Session shall plan worship for the Church Year including Easter, Christmas, Pentecost, Lent, Advent and special days.
3.11.7 The Session shall involve lay people in the leadership of worship and prepare those involved in services.
3.11.8 The Session shall regularly evaluate the Sunday Order of Worship.
3.11.9 The Session shall share in the planning of worship.
3.11.10 The Session shall rule on the use of the Church Sanctuary.
3.11.11 The Session shall receive and judge petitions, appeals, etc. and transmit these through the Board to West District.
3.11.12 The Session shall recommend to West District through the Board candidates for all orders of ministry and suitable lay persons for license to preach or for training.
3.11.13 The Session shall through the Clerk of Session maintain the record of children and adherents and maintain the register of baptisms, marriages and burials.
3.11.14 The Session shall exercise discipline concerning the conduct of members/individuals.
3.11.15 The Session shall provide leadership to the Board in establishing policies relative to baptism, confirmation, marriage and burial.
3.10.16 The Session shall consider the use of art in worship - drama, dance, visual arts, literature, flowers, pulpit hangings, etc.
3.11.17 The Session shall consider new forms of worship.
3.11.18 The Session shall, in its endeavor to fulfill its purpose, establish the following sub-committees:
(a) Sub-committee for the Administration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
(b) Sub-committee on Church Music and Liturgy.
(c) Sub-committee on Candidates and Lay Readers.
(d) Sub-committee on Church Confirmation.
(e) Sub-committee on Ushering and Welcoming.
(f) Sub-committee on Trusts and Memorials.
3.11.19 The Session shall establish any other sub-committees as may be required from time to time to fulfill its mandate.
3.11.20 Members of the order of Ministry of the United Church of Canada on the roll or attending Memorial United shall be honorary members of the Session.
3.11.21 The Session shall arrange for services at local personal care and nursing homes.
4. Duties of the Nominating Committee
The role of the Nominating Committee is to ensure that vacant positions on the Board and Standing Committees are filled.
4.1 The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be the Immediate Past Chair of the Official Board.
4.2 The Chair shall select from the Congregation two or three members to serve on the Committee.
4.3 The Committee shall recommend to the Annual Congregational Meeting at least one member of the Congregation to fill each vacancy on the Board and Standing Committee and Delegates to West District.
4.4 The Committee shall ensure that all nominees are aware of their obligations as members of the Board or Standing Committees.
5. The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Memorial United Church through the Model Trust Deed shall hold title to all property, whether real or personal, that is held in trust or acquired for the use of the Congregation.
5.1 The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than three and not more than five members to be elected by the Congregation, a majority of whom shall be members of the United Church of Canada.
5.2 The Board of Trustees shall approve the criteria for the administration of trust funds that have been given or established for the use of the Congregation.
5.3 The Board of Trustees shall approve any sale, major renovation or extension to Church property in consultation with West District and the Congregation.
5.4 The Board of Trustees shall appoint a member to serve as an ex-officio member of the Official Board.
6. Congregational Meetings
The annual meeting of the Congregation shall receive annual reports, hold elections and transact any other business brought before it.
6.1 A Chair and Secretary shall be elected to conduct the Annual Meeting. They shall also conduct any congregational meetings held before the next Annual Congregational Meeting.
7. Changes to the Constitution
7.1 Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be made at a Congregational Meeting upon the recommendation of the Official Board.
7.2 No provision in the Constitution and By-Laws shall circumvent or override the United Church Manual.
Below is a PDF file of the Constitution of Memorial United Church which was adopted at our Annual Meeting February 24, 2013.
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