Memorial United Church
13 Church RoadP.O.Box 454
Grand Falls-Windsor
Newfoundland, Canada
A2A 2T9
(709) 489-6151/Secretary's Office
(709) 489-2156/Minister’s Office
(709) 489-2439/Manse
Office Hours
Wednesday & Thursday
9:00 -12:00 & 1:00 to 4:30
Church Services
Sunday morning
11:00 - 12:00
Centering Time
A good person is a good person
whether in church or out of it.
-- Brigham Young

Thanksgiving 2018
Church Organist Needed
Memorial United Church in Grand Falls Windsor has an immediate opening for a Church Organist. Successful applicant would provide music for Sunday morning service, Choir practices and when possible for Weddings, Funerals and special events in the church calendar. Full or Part Time interest welcomed.
Apply in writing to:
Memorial United Church
Ministry and Personnel Committee
P O Box 454
13 Church Road
Grand Falls Windsor, NL
A2A 2T9
Or email to

Items for church bulletin
The Church Secretary is asking that all announcements for the bulletins be submitted by Wednesday afternoon.
Shut-ins List
No longer making it out to church, for whatever reason? please call the office with their name and contact information. Reminder: If you are in hospital for any reason, Please have a family member or friend call the office or the manse and let Rev. Kim know! She would love to visit with you, but privacy laws means that she may not know that you are there.
If you would like to be added to the church email list to receive updates on church events,
please send email to
You may contact the webmaster by clicking here.
Copyright 2015 by Memorial United Church. Click here for Website Policy.